CMSC 408 - Docker Tutorial
Welcome to the docker tutorial! This tutorial will discuss:
At completion of this tutorial you should have a website and database running on your machine.
Getting started
- Fundamentals, providing just enough docker vocabulary to be dangerous,
- Installing docker and docker compose on your computer,
- Selecting a base image for your application(s),
- Using docker-compose to develop your application.
The web site contains a bunch of docker examples, as listed below. These links take you directly to the GITHUB repo and the respective README files.
nginx-static-example - creates a simple, static web server with the html file stored inside the container.
nginx-static-volume - creates a simple web server container with the html files stored on your local disk.
apache-php-remote-mysql - creates a local apache web server serving html/php pages from your local disk, connected to using your username and password.
apache-php-local-mysql - creates a local apache setb server serving html/php pages from your local disk, connected to a locally running mysql DB and locally running phpmyadmin.
production-example-1 - creates a localling running nginx load balancer and reverse proxy, apache-php server, mysql database and phpmyadmin all talking together.
Other info
Fundamentals, providing just enough docker vocabulary to be dangerous,
About - talks about the motivation for this site and introduces the principle author.
GITHUB repo - follow this link to get to the GITHUB repo.