It’s helpful to do these things prior to installing any software, but it’s OK to do them after stuff is installed. It may help fix a problem!
On windows we need to ensure that several features are disabled. On mac and linux, you should be good to go.
If you are on windows and your installation is a chocolate mess, you might want to consider uninstalling older versions of python using Add-Remove programs and clean up your User and System PATH environment variables.
OS-specific customizations
Sorry - you’ve got some work to do!
Windows offers a number of settings that makes it easier to download software from the Micrsoft Store. These features actually get in the way of user installed tools.
Open the execution alias screen
Press the windows key on the bottom left of your keyboard to bring up the menu shown below.
In the search bar enter execution and then select the option as show in the figure below.
Scan the list
Your list may vary depending on you have installed. Scan the list and disable stuff that looks related to python.
In NASCAR you’re called the lucky dog
I’m not aware of any Mac specific fixes that are required.
I’m not aware of any Linux-specific pre-work required to get all this stuff running.